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Bulk import travellers from .csv
Bulk import travellers from .csv

How to bulk import travellers to a specific journey from a .csv document

Georg Ólafsson avatar
Written by Georg Ólafsson
Updated over a week ago

In 50skills, users have the ability to bulk import travellers from a .csv document. This will result in relevant travellers being created with the information provided in the .csv document and are ready to be sent on their journey.

The process is simple

  1. Access the journey you wish to import the travellers to

  2. Click on the three dot options in the top right corner and select "Import travellers (csv)", this will start the import process

  3. Read the format guidelines carefully and make sure the .csv data follows them - see format guidelines here

  4. Download the provided .CSV template and add your data to it

  5. Open the .csv import tool and upload the document

  6. Match columns with traveller fields

  7. Validate and import

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